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Coleoptera-Staphylinidae-Nazeris daliensis Y. Watanabe et Xiao
2013-12-04 | 作者: | 来源: |【小  大】【打印】【关闭】


Nazeris daliensis Y. Watanabe et Xiao, 1997 

  Remarks: In general appearance and body size this species is similar to N. alpinus, but different from it in the following points: body slingtly smaller; head with postocular part less than twice as long as the longitudinal diameter of each eye (postocular part / longitudinal diameter of eye = 1.90) and evenly convergent posteriad; pronotum with lateral sides almost straight in posterior two-thirds; elytra slightly transverse ( width / length = 1.09) and nearly as broad as or slightly broader than pronotum (elytra / pronotum = 1.01), less constricted at the base; surface slightly more coarsely punctured all over; abdomen, in male, with 7th sternite more broadly emarginate at the middle of posterior margin and semicircularly depressed in front of the emargination, surface of the depression more closely setose than the other parts; and characteristic configuration of the male genitalia. Though the male specimens from Mt. Laohu Shan have genitalia with somewhat narrower median lobe and parameres as compared with those from other localities, the difference can be regarded as infraspecific variation. 

  Distribution: Yunnan. 

        Reference: Yasuaki Watanabe, Ning-nian Xiao 1997, Four new Nazeris (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Edaphologia, 58: 112.

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